Kit Building

OzarkCon QRP Conference 2025
Kit Building Workshop Friday Evening - April 4, 2025
This is a great fun & fellowship activity for all, experienced builders or not, so plan to attend and enjoy AND you will get to carry home this years nifty kit selection that you built.
Pre-Registration is necessary as there is a limited number of the kits available for the building session.
Introducing - the 4S Cootie Single-Lever Key
The Four-State QRP Group is proud to introduce our latest kit offering, a single-lever CW key with quality and value that is unmatched in a kit.  In true QRP tradition, it is a simple, inexpensive design that goes together quickly, but claims the following features:


  Rugged epoxy-glass composite structural components


  Ball Bearing pivots for smoothest operation


  Adjustable contact spacing


  STRONG rare earth magnets on base hold key firmly to any steel surface.


  Unique compound lever centering mechanism makes keying precise and crisp, with the feel of a much costlier unit - A 4SQRP EXCLUSIVE!


The price of the Build Session kit is $40.00, and is selected and paid for during the registration process.
You must attend the session for this special price.
Attendees will need to bring their own hand tools for the session.
✔  Soldering iron with a stand. A small tip on the iron is suggested. This could be a simple 25 watt iron with a bent coat hanger stand.
✔  Damp sponge to clean the soldering iron tip.
✔  Rosin core solder - Kester "44" or similar. Note that we will have some spare solder available.
✔  Small wire cutters.
✔  Needle nose pliers.
✔  Slip Joint pliers.
✔  Assorted Small Screwdrivers.
Magnifier and/or light.
Hilighter to mark off parts as they are installed.
✔  Cookie sheet with upturned lip to catch stray parts, to reduce static discharge damage to components and to protect the table surface.
Four State QRP Group volunteers coordinate and supervise the OzarkCon Friday Night Build Session.



Page updated January 28, 2025

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