Vendor Fair and Swap Meet
OzarkCon Vendor
Swap Meet and QRP Vendor Fair
Knights Room with overflow into Lobby
QRP swap meet
The swap meet area will be open Friday evening and all day Saturday.
We have the Knight's Room that will hold 22 Tables, a maximum of two (2) tables are available free per registration.
Bring your excess rigs, keys, accessories, building components, antennas, tuners and whatever for sale or swap.
You are also welcome to set up a table for show and tell to display your projects.
Vendor fair
There should be Vendors to display their products.
In addition QRP club kits will be for sale.
All commercial and club QRP vendors are welcome. Commercial and club vendors who wish to set up a table are encouraged to pre-register and request the two free tables.
There are still 10 Tables available for OzarkCon 2025.
Vendors Coming
Johnny Matlock - AC0BQ |
Wes Spence - AC5K |
Keith Arns - KC0PP |
Bob Pritchard - K0FHG |
Duane Angles - AA5KD |
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